School of Law

The University of Texas School of Law is the greatest engine of opportunity in American legal education. Texas Law charges less in tuition than any of its peers. At the same time, it is the foremost gateway to legal leadership in Texas and a leading supplier of talent to legal enterprises throughout the United States and beyond. Our graduates change the world.
Campaign Priorities
Access for All
Students are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide them with top-tier opportunities without putting them into top-tier debt. Your scholarship support makes that possible. It brings the most diverse and talented students to the school. And it puts them into position to serve their communities faithfully and energetically when they graduate.

Excellence Through Inclusion
Texas Law is committed to improving opportunities for all Texans to pursue careers as lawyers. Our Pipeline Program works to advance that aim in Texas high schools and colleges. It promotes access to legal education for students who are first-generation or come from low-income backgrounds. Through high-quality mentoring and scholarship support, we are preparing the next generation of attorneys from diverse backgrounds for law school admission and success.
Community Through Design
We produce peacemakers who know how to talk when they disagree. They learn to resolve conflict with reason, courage and compassion. Becoming that kind of lawyer starts here at the Law School with a sense of community created by great spaces. Your support will help us renew our buildings and create places where students and faculty can engage in the lively and civil exchange of ideas about the questions that matter most.