Sona and Jerry Nast show their Longhorn pride by creating two endowed scholarships.
Texas Leader
Texas Leader Spotlight
Meet University of Texas at Austin alumni and friends who are changing the world through philanthropy and careful estate planning.
From the President
As another academic year begins, I love to see everyone back on campus.
Faculty Spotlight
An Air Force veteran and first-generation college student receives a life-changing opportunity when he’s admitted to The University of Texas at Austin.
Cheering Them On
Lisa Hannusch and Lisa Richardson both put their whole heart into UT with their gifts to women’s sports.
Body of Work
The unique gifts of powerlifters Jan and Terry Todd add a lot of weight to the world of sport culture.
All for Opera
Girvice Archer’s 20,000+ pieces of opera memorabilia now enrich the Harry Ransom Center’s cultural archives.