Texas Leader Magazine

Animated GIF of Jan Todd holding a photo of her husband Terry Todd, then a color photo of Jan Todd powerlifting weights and another black and white photo of her with Terry on her shoulders

Body of Work

The unique gifts of powerlifters Jan and Terry Todd add a lot of weight to the world of sport culture.

Spring/Summer 2024

All for Opera

All for Opera

Girvice Archer’s 20,000+ pieces of opera memorabilia now enrich the Harry Ransom Center’s cultural archives.

Meant to Be

Meant to Be

Terry and Lee Anne Box’s gift of documentary prints is a significant addition to the Dolph Briscoe Center of American History’s photography collection.

Legendary Lady Longhorn

Legendary Lady Longhorn

Betty Grubbs, lifelong champion of Texas Athletics, has given UT a gift worth cheering about.

Beacon of Hope

Beacon of Hope

Byron Anderson’s investment in future Longhorns honors the enduring impact of his grandparents.

Texas Leader Spotlight

Texas Leader Spotlight

Meet University of Texas at Austin alumni and friends who are changing the world through philanthropy and careful estate planning.

From the President

From the President

Artificial intelligence holds a world of extraordinary possibilities for us all, which is why UT has named 2024 “The Year of AI.”

Cover of Texas Leader Magazine with Jan Todd holding a photo of her husband Terry Todd

The Texas Leader illustrates how UT supporters are changing the world through philanthropy and careful estate planning. By investing in students and their futures, research that leads to new discoveries, and opportunities to transform major industries for the benefit of society, these contributions make a difference every day on campus and across the globe.

Back the Band

Back the Band

Gifts from two members of the Longhorn Alumni Band are helping the band march toward special milestones.

Previous Issue

A Rock-Solid Education

A Rock-Solid Education

Alumnus Tim Diggs is giving back to the school that gave him a strong foundation for his dream career.

Sharing Joy

Sharing Joy

Anita and Bill Cochran grew up experiencing the arts. Their gift provides Austin schoolchildren with similar opportunities.

Dialed In

Dialed In

These friends of KUT have made a sound decision to support UT’s radio station.

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