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Homebase: Austin

For Dell Technologies — a longstanding UT partner — social and computing progress go hand in hand.
Published on: November 10, 2021
Grateful WebAssets Homebase Austin Main x

You know the story: from his dorm room at The University of Texas at Austin, a bright young student named Michael Dell developed an idea that would go on to change the face of technology forever. What you might not know is how Dell Technologies continues to transform UT today — and prepare it for the future.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dell’s support helped position UT as an innovative stronghold for infectious disease science and vaccine research. Using the vast computing power of Frontera, one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, UT researchers and scientists modeled the virus, tested the efficacy of thousands of drug compounds, and developed sophisticated new methods for contact tracing.

“Frontera is capable of incredible breakthroughs in vaccine technology,” says Dan Stanzione, executive director of UT’s Texas Advanced Computing Center. Dell ensured the system would rise to the challenge by working with UT engineers to drastically increase the supercomputer’s capacity in 2020. Stanzione credits one thing as critical to building the infrastructure capable of pandemic response: “Our partnership with Dell.”

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Dell Women’s Entrepreneurship Network mentors at a recent Kendra Scott Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute workshop

Even with Dell’s global presence, Austin will always be our hometown. We’re proud to work with UT to advance innovation and social progress for all.”
Dell’s SVP of global brand, creative and experiential marketing

Dell’s involvement with UT also extends beyond the realm of lifesaving science. They invest in female leaders through their Dell Women’s Entrepreneurship Network, so becoming a founding partner in UT’s new Kendra Scott Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute was a natural fit. Considered alongside their other social investments at UT — helping secure 350 laptops for students learning from home during the pandemic, supporting the Center for Women in Law, and fostering dialogue and collaboration through their membership in the Center for Analytics and Transformative Technologies — it is no stretch to say that their social impact is as meaningful as their technology.

UT is proud to partner with Dell as the company continues to deepen their engagement in social impact and philanthropy through technology. “Founded at UT in 1984, Dell Technologies has a long- standing and unshakable commitment to the success of UT Austin and its students,” says Liz Matthews, senior vice president of global brand, creative and experiential marketing at Dell. “Even with Dell’s global presence, Austin will always be our hometown. We’re proud to work with UT to advance innovation and social progress for all.”


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