Whether through media innovation or patient-centered health care and policy, foundation giving powers the future on the Forty Acres. Decades of philanthropy from the Knight and Lebermann foundations have built inspiring legacies of impact.
Knight Foundation
The Knight Foundation has supported free expression and excellence in journalism for more than 70 years, and UT is a proud beneficiary of the foundation’s resources and vision. Through $14 million in strategic investments, the foundation enables Moody College to provide unparalleled hands-on learning and professional development for journalists, leading the future of journalism and media, both locally and globally.
“Funding from the Knight Foundation has transformed our center, allowing us to work toward what we’re calling ‘connective democracy’ — a world where groups come together for the benefit of society.”

The Lebermann Foundation
Lowell’s legacy lives on through the Lebermann Foundation’s investments — especially through gifts made to establish chairs and professorships in the LBJ School of Public Affairs, Dell Medical School and the College of Liberal Arts.
“The Foundation’s generosity will support high-impact research and attract exceptional graduate students who want to respond to society’s greatest challenges,” says LBJ School Dean JR DeShazo.
Lowell’s daughter, Virginia, chair of the Lebermann Foundation, says, “The Lebermann Foundation of Austin is dedicated to supporting research and education opportunities for the future leaders of Texas — and the LBJ School is a world-class institution where such leaders are made.”
“I am honored, grateful and excited to join Dell Medical School as the Dr. Lowell Henry Lebermann Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine. Because of the Lebermann Foundation’s generosity, the Department of Internal Medicine is uniquely poised to support efforts that positively transform health care delivery and improve the health and well-being of the people in Austin and beyond.”

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