Keeping Texas Energized

Bill Moore’s gift furthers innovation at UT
Moore was a senior research scientist for ExxonMobil, a veteran and an ardent supporter of UT throughout his life. In 2005, he shared with the university that he had created his first charitable remainder trust to benefit UT. Moore asked that the money be used to support student scholarships for the Cockrell School of Engineering. Since its creation, the William D. Moore Endowed Friends of Alec scholarship has supported 54 students.

Above: Bill Moore, ’48, was a member of the ROTC at UT. After graduation, he had the opportunity to travel extensively with ExxonMobil.
After Moore established his student scholarship, he decided to form a second charitable remainder trust as an unrestricted gift to UT. This trust would allow him to provide an income stream for his family and support his alma mater. When the remainder of the trust came to UT, President Gregory L. Fenves looked at Moore’s giving history and worked closely with those who knew him. The president determined that the best way to honor his legacy was to put the money towards the future of energy — the EEB.
“We live in an increasingly global society, and the challenges surrounding energy are best addressed by bringing top experts together — regardless of their department,” said Sharon L. Wood, dean of the Cockrell School. “With the EEB, we will offer a dedicated space where these experts can collaborate on groundbreaking research and ultimately change the world.”
Moore’s gifts to UT total over $10 million. And because his gifts include mineral rights — which are managed by University Lands — that total will continue to grow. Thanks to the generosity of Moore and other donors, UT will continue to fuel the future as a world leader in energy education and research.

“Receiving the William D. Moore Endowed Friends of Alec Scholarship made me feel like I belonged at UT. Knowing that successful people such as Mr. Moore have invested in my future reaffirms my educational and career goals. The scholarship also allows me to spend more time focusing on schoolwork, research and extracurriculars. My UT experience — and thus my future career — would not be the same without the generosity of people like William Moore, and I am very grateful.”
Branch Tanner,
sophomore, Plan II & environmental engineering
Texas Leader Magazine
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