Longhorn Family Partners

A Texas Family Tradition

Longhorn Family Partners is a group that engages some of The University of Texas at Austin’s leading parent and family donors. Launched by the Office of the President in 2023, this signature University-wide program recognizes parents and family members of current UT students who have given back through high-impact philanthropy.

As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to share a family perspective with University leaders, advise our team on family engagement and fundraising strategies, and, most importantly, connect with other supportive families on campus.

Contact a member of UT’s Family Giving Team at utdevelopment@austin.utexas.edu to learn more about becoming a member of Longhorn Family Partners.

Collage of three photos with Longhorn families all gesturing Hook'em horns.

Longhorn Family Partners Co-Chairs

Catherine and Mike Sweet

Catherine and Mike Sweet

Robert ’25 and Elizabeth ’27
“We believe in supporting UT because of the impact it will have on developing Longhorns today and in future generations. Catherine and several other members of our family are alumni or current students, and we prioritize supporting organizations that have supported us.”
Paige and Jamil Alam

Paige and Jamil Alam

Layne ’22, Riley ’24 and Quincy ’27
“The breadth of what UT offers is incredibly vast, so it is only fitting as recipients of those gifts that we are strong philanthropic supporters in return.”
UT Tower and wreath


Longhorn Family Partners

Longhorn Family Partners is a nationwide network of valued friends and contributors to Texas’ strong philanthropic tradition. Members are invited to two exclusive on-campus events each year, and your membership lasts throughout your student’s time on the Forty Acres.