
A Road Well Traveled

A Road Well Traveled

Longhorn donors opened many doors for McCombs School of Business student Lucious McDaniel IV.

To Boldly Go

To Boldly Go

Aerospace engineering student Mihir Kamble found his passion at UT’s Cockrell School of Engineering.


A student entrepreneur explores how funding – whether for a scholarship or a startup – makes dreams a reality at The University of Texas at Austin.

Ready to Succeed

Ready to Succeed

Scholarships to the Steve Hicks School of Social Work gave Grace Farley opportunities to excel.

The Coolest Classroom

The Coolest Classroom

A study abroad program in Alaska helped a UT School of Nursing student learn new skills.



The College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin has provided a welcoming environment for astronomy Ph.D. student Samuel Factor.

Stories of Impact

Health Starts Here
