the Campaign
This is our moment. With your support, The University of Texas at Austin will become the world’s highest-impact public research university, unleashing knowledge, opportunity and innovation from the heart of Texas. That’s why we’ve undertaken the What Starts Here fundraising campaign — the most ambitious in our university’s and state’s history.

Campaign Priorities

The campaign is the foundation that will help us bring our efforts into action. Together, we’re committed to fulfilling UT’s promise: What starts here changes the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the What Starts Here campaign?
The What Starts Here campaign is the most ambitious fundraising effort in the history of The University of Texas at Austin and the state of Texas. Investment from our alumni, friends and partners will allow the university to support our people, amplify the unmatched potential of our place, and lead innovation through world-changing pursuits — living up to our promise that what starts here changes the world.
Why is UT in a campaign?
How do I participate in the campaign?
Making a gift online is the fastest way to support the campaign. You can also explore other ways to give, from mailing a check to including UT in your estate plan, here.
How will my gift be used?
Your gift goes to the college, school, unit, program or other cause that you specify. You can choose to give to a general purpose — like the UT scholarships fund — or to a specific person or program that is close to your heart. Every gift makes a difference.
How does my gift make a difference?
UT is a university of the first class because of the generous support we receive from our donors. State funding supports basic university operations, but it’s your support that drives excellence. Every dollar of your gift goes to the purpose you specify and supports the students, faculty and researchers who change the world.
Why does a state university need a fundraising campaign?
UT’s revenue comes from three main sources: state support, tuition and philanthropy. Private support is the primary source of funding that recruits new talent, makes innovation possible and drives a vibrant future for Texas. In fact, donor support has long been a cornerstone of UT’s success — donors gave some of the Forty Acres’ first buildings, contributed the funds that built Texas Memorial Stadium, invested in faculty endowments in the 1980s and realized transformational new endeavors like Dell Medical School.